SMS (Short Message Service)


SMS service is the sending of short messages via mobile phone. It is not only sending short messages to one another between mobile users. But it can also use an SMS messaging service to meet the business's marketing needs. Transforming simple messaging to reach a wide range of customers, boost sales, and win customers' hearts. SMS messages can be delivered with images, audio files, and links to everyone in the database to receive the message. Moreover, SMS can be distributed as customization or personalization messages to each receiver that suits the business communication style.

Type of SMS

  • One-to-one (1-to-1) Message
    Send SMS to individuals. Personalize a message that is suitable for each individual. It is suitable for informing personal information, connecting through APIs such as sending messages for OTP (One Time Password) codes and informing order status, parcel delivery, etc.
  • Bulk SMS
    Bulk SMS messaging service is sending SMS messages in bulk, which aims to spread or promote the message to the recipients as much as possible. It can be used to send SMS for events or marketing campaigns that expect to inform, announce, or publicize to a large number of receivers.
  • 2 Ways SMS
    SMS messaging services interact with receivers by sending messages and allow recipient involvement. Such as replying to join the campaign and commenting immediately. Further, it can be applied in many forms, whether donating, registering to receive various benefits or voting for prizes. Moreover, it can be operated from multiple numbers of recipients simultaneously. Supported by all network systems in Thailand, it stores data and reports results in real-time.
  • Location-Based Service (LBS)
    Send SMS messages to the target group in defined areas. A sender can choose the area to send messages widely, covering all areas through mobile phone networks, which use the location of a mobile device as an identifier. Messages will immediately alert the target audience when they enter the designated area.

SMS Marketing is Suitable for Who?

  • Leading brands and new business owners
    SMS marketing services are essential whether you are a major national brand or a new business owner. This marketing tool uses meager costs but provides excellent performance in reaching the target audience. For example, presenting products and services quickly, uncomplicated, and immediately attaching links or sales channels. Even if you have never used an SMS service before, you would be able to recognize it because the program is designed to be easy and user-friendly. Moreover, there is Thai language support, for users can set up an SMS service system by themselves.
  • Marketer
    SMS service helps marketers reach their target audience effectively. Allows marketers to promote marketing campaigns quickly and achieve the target audience accurately. Facilitates marketers to plan various strategies that connect with the Cloud SMS Gateway system that helps manage marketing campaigns. Furthermore, setting SMS campaigns and accessing the database through websites and applications is accessible, which will surely help marketers.
  • Business Development
    SMS service integrates with an API system that meets the need of developers. It allows developers to experiment further with the messaging system and works seamlessly with other applications. Create an opportunity for a developer to fully access SMS services, such as financial transaction notification systems or delivery status notification services in an E-commerce system.
  • Enterprise
    Organizations with a large customer base or employees in the company will have no trouble distributing the message or information because the use of SMS service is a way to notify information within the organization efficiently or distribute messages to strengthen the relationship with existing customers with efficiency, quickness, and convenience without any miss-out, ensuring that your customers or employees within an organization will all receive the organization messages or information 100% accurately.

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